فلسطين والسلام


طين والسلامفلسطين والسلام

These are the photos of Israel Barbarism on Palestine. The pictures speak for themselves.
Israel Soldier pointing gun at a terrified child
Photo of an Israeli soldier pointing gun at a terrified child in front of his father and mother. Is the soldier still human or a heartless monster?
Photo of a dead child killed by Israel.
Israel killing babies
Photo of a dead baby killed by Israel
Israel kill American and English women
Photo of an American and English women killed by Israel soldiers.
Israel robbing Palestine land
Israel is keep taking Palestinian land. That is why the Palestinians which is called “Terrorists” by Israel and its cronies fight the Israel back.
Israel can killed the Palestinians with illegal clustered missiles and chemical weapons launched from jet fighters and helicopters that supplied by US government. Israel can kill Palestine children and babies as much as they want without any sanction with support of US government.
US tax payers money sent to Israel by US government
US government give billions of dollar from US Taxpayers to Israel.
US government will veto every resolution that condemn Israel Barbarism because no one could be US president without the support of US Jewish millionaires’ fund and mass media (such as CNN).
Paul Wolfowitz used his puppet, George W Bush, to attack Afghanistan and IraqPaul Wolfowitz used his puppet, George W Bush, to attack Afghanistan and Iraq
Israel bomb UN School that killed 34 children without invasion sanction such as US do in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not even economic sanction that Iran received from US Government.
Who will help the children and babies of Palestine from Israel Barbarism?
Please spread these photos (in to your friend an family. Don’t let them die without people know or remember.
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Israel propagandists are very good. They slaughter Palestinians. Yet they succeed convincing people that the victims are the terrorists.
To understand how the Jews control the world, just read what Malaysian leader, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said:
Don’t forget to see more pictures of Israelis’ Brutalities here:

The situation of the Muslims in Palestine
I was wondering wha you believe the fight taking place in the Holy Land is all about and what the end result might be.

Praise be to Allaah.


Undoubtedly what is happening to the Muslims in the Holy Land of hardship, torture, expulsion, killing and harm is a matter which causes sorrow to every Muslim, and indeed to every non-Muslim who is reasonable, fair-minded and compassionate, when they see the blatant persecution inflicted upon innocent people, with the intention of driving them out of their homes so that the enemy can take their place, which is an enemy that possesses the most advanced weapons, with which they attack unarmed people who are deprived of the means of defending themselves.

This Muslim people has endured for more than fifty years, facing unending Zionist arrogance and aggression, which pays no heed to human dignity or any covenant or treaty, or any law, except that to which their own whims and desires make them inclined and in which their evil rabbis and warlords encourage them.

The outcome of that is well known to Muslims as well as Jews, which is that the consequences will be in favour of the pious and the party of God will be the victors. The wrongdoer will never enjoy security, stability and prosperity, rather he will be faced with fear, anxiety, grief and shame, until the day comes when the Muslims come back to their religion and are governed by the sharee’ah of their Lord, then they will meet the Jews in battle, where the two sides will face one another, and victory will go to the people of faith.

Al-Bukhaari (2926) and Muslim (2922) narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allaah SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, until a Jew will be hiding behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say, ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allaah, here is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!’ except for the box-thorn (al-gharqad), for it is one of the trees of the Jews.”

We ask Allaah to hasten the Muslims’ return to their religion and to grant them the means of victory. May He grant us the joy of seeing His religion prevail and His enemies humiliated, and may He raise the status of those who are persecuted, tortured or killed for His sake.

And Allaah knows best.

Palestine: Its Significance for Muslims
Question and answer details
Respected scholars, as-salamu `alaykum.My question is about Palestine and its significance for Muslims, would you please enlighten me on this issue?Jazakum Allah khayran.
On Islam Shari`ah Researchers
Wa`alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, we are greatly pleased to receive your question which shows the confidence you place in us. May Allah reward you abundantly for your interest in knowing the teachings of Islam!

Palestine is part and parcel of the Muslims’ identity. Each Muslim has a big role to play regarding Palestine and its people. Each should support the Palestinian cause according to his means. Those who are well-off should give charity, and those who pay the Zakah aught to allocate part of it to help their oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine as well as in the whole world. Every Muslim can champion the cause of his Ummah from the place where he lives.

In order to shed some light on the significance of Palestine in Islam, we’d cite the following:
Palestine in Islamic Faith:

The significance of Palestine in the Islamic faith is evident by the frequent references to it in both the Qur'an and the hadiths (traditions) of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The greatest significance of Palestine for the Muslims is that it contains Baitul-Maqdis (the noble sanctuary), the holiest place in Islam outside of the Hijaz. Both Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock are built in the area of the Baitul-Maqdis.

Baitul-Maqdis in Palestine was the center of Isra’ and Mi`raj of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In the Qur'an Allah says: (Glory be to the One who took his servant on a journey by night from Al-Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa whose precincts We have blessed...)
(Al-Israa' 17: 1)

Baitul-Maqdis in Palestine was the second Mosque established on earth after Al-Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah. In the Hadith, Abu Dharr said: "Once I asked Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) what was the first mosque established on the earth; he said “Al-Masjid Al-Haram.” Then I asked him: then, which mosque? He replied: “Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa.” I then asked him what was the time period between the establishment of the two mosques; and he said: “forty years." (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

Baitul-Maqdis in Palestine was the first Qibla (direction in which Muslims face when praying). The Muslims faced towards Baitul-Maqdis when praying during the entire Makkah period of Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings be upon him) life and for the first 16 months of the Madinian period, after which Allah ordered the Qibla to be changed towards the Ka`ba in Makkah.

Prayers in Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa are equivalent to 500 times the Prayers in any other mosque except for Al-Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah and Al-Masjid An-Nabawi (the Mosque of the Prophet) in Madinah. In the Hadith Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Prayers in Al-Masjid Al-Haram are equivalent to 100,000 Prayers, and Prayers in my Masjid (in Madinah) are equivalent to 1000 Prayers, and Prayers in Baitul-Maqdis are equivalent to 500 Prayers." (Reported by at-Tabarani)

In addition there are several verses in the Holy Qur'an and several hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) that describe both the significance of Baitul-Maqdis in Islam and the fact that Allah has blessed the land around it. The various Qur'anic revelations and Prophetic statements concerning the blessed land of Palestine endeared the land to the Companions (Sahabah) of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to such an extent that when `Umar ibn Al-Khattab entered the region for the first time he announced that all the lands of Palestine would be part of the Islamic Waqf (endowment) for the Muslim generations to come. After studying the various Qur’anic revelations, Prophetic traditions and practices of the Companions to the Prophet, no rational mind could deny that Palestine as a blessed and holy land is of extreme importance and significance to every believer in Islam.

Palestine in Islamic History:

The history of Palestine represents the history of Islam from the first Prophet of Islam, Adam (peace and blessings be upon him), to the last Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Palestine is the land of Prophets who were sent with the message of Islam and hence should not be ruled by anyone other than those who uphold the message of Islam by implementing its laws and regulations.

Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa was the second mosque established on earth forty years after the establishment of Al-Masjid Al-Haram.

It is a holy site where many of the Prophets were born or died, including Prophets Ibrahim, Lut, Dawud, Sulayman, Musa and `Isa. While Dawud and Sulayman were able to create Islamic states in Palestine based on divinely ordained laws, according to both the Bible and the Qur'an, their descendants strayed from the path, transgressed against the laws revealed by Allah and thus brought upon themselves Allah's punishment which included banishment from the holy land.

Baitul-Maqdis was the site of Isra' and Mi'raj of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) during the Makkan period of his message.

Palestine was brought under Muslim control at the time of `Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second caliph of Muslims. Palestine was then made part of the Islamic state being ruled by Islamic law. The new laws were welcomed not only by the Muslims but also by the Jews and Christians of Palestine who had formerly been living under the tyrannical Byzantine yoke. The Byzantines were persecuting the Christians of the area because the Palestinian Christians belonged to a different Christian sect. The Muslims, however, guaranteed all Christians freedom of religion regardless of their sect.

In 1099 A.C. Palestine was invaded by the European Crusaders and subsequently occupied for nearly a century. During the occupation massacres and great injustices were committed against the Muslim, Jewish and native Christian residents of the area. The only law applied in the holy land blessed by Allah was the law of force and persecution.

In 1187 A.C. Palestine was liberated by the Muslims under the leadership of Salah Ad-Din Al-Ayyubi (Saladin) who brought back Islamic law to the area.

In 1917 the British government issued the Balfour Declaration which declared Palestine to be a homeland for Jews. At the time Jews made up approximately 8% of the population of Palestine and owned approximately 2.5% of the land.

In 1918 the British and their Arab nationalist allies defeated the Ottomans. The British dismembered the Ottoman Empire and occupied Palestine. The British immediately began a campaign of immigrating European Jews to Palestine.

In 1948 the Jews claimed the establishment of a state for themselves over the land of Palestine and called it Israel. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims were forced out of Palestine under the military pressure of Jewish terrorist groups such as the Irgun, Levi, and Haganot which were financed and armed by the British army.

In 1967 Israel attacked Egypt, Jordan and Syria and occupied more land including, for the first time, Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa. Since that time Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa has been the target of several attempts by the Jews to destroy or burn it, including several attempts to bring about its collapse through underground excavations. The Jews know that Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa is symbolic of the Islamic nature of the land and want to remove any trace of Islamic civilization from Palestine.

Based on Palestine's Islamic history and significance in the Islamic faith, and after the failure of all non-Islamic methods to free Palestine from Zionist occupation, the Islamic solution is re-emerging as a powerful and popular means to liberate the occupied lands. Islam is a religion of peace secured by divine justice. Only Islam offers respect to all divinely revealed religions as it is the only religion which recognizes all the Prophets from Adam to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). It is the only religion which recognizes and believes that all the Prophets brought the same essential message and thus all people deserve the freedom to worship as they please without persecution or harassment. For this reason, it has historically proven itself to be the only tolerant religion with regard to the peace and sanctity of the Holy Land. Only Islam can bring back peace to the Holy Land and security for the unrestricted and unharassed worship of Allah, the All-Mighty, by all who believe in Him whether Muslim, Christian, or Jew.
Allah Almighty knows best.
Excerpted, with slight modifications, from